I’m so excited to finally launch this podcast and grateful to my team for the push! During my 21-day fast preparing for Impact Weekend, I got clarity on the name and it felt so aligned. I went back to about a dozen posts over the years where I talked about a soft life and I hashtagged them #WorkHardLiveSoft so I could reference them.

I created this podcast because it’s truly how I live. I believe in working hard. I’m the daughter of two immigrant parents after all. But I believe in reaping the benefits. And I don’t believe in overworking.

In this episode, I talk about:

  1. The misconceptions of the “soft life”
  2. What soft life looks like as an entrepreneur
  3. Why more entrepreneurs need to embrace soft living

/////// Let’s connect /////////

My Website: https://www.mayalious.com

Instagram: https://instagram.com/mayaelious

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@mayaelious